Lost & Found- Blueprint Gift Wrap – Rock Paper Scissors

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Lost & Found- Blueprint Gift Wrap

You know those friends who are just so effortlessly stylish and fashionable? A friend of mine since middle school (Ann Arbor Forsythe/MYA in the house!), Amira is an awesome textile designer and my personal curator of all things cool. As if that wasn’t enough, she’s also responsible for introducing me to the art of the estate sale – through which I’ve acquired a letterpress, tons of type, and countless other goodies over the years. A few weeks ago, I was showing Amira and her husband Pierre some of my favorite spots in San Francisco as they passed through town on an awesome West Coast road trip. When we passed a sign for an estate sale, all plans were placed on hold as we headed off towards the Seacliff neighborhood in search of some fantastic finds. After an hour or so of exploring (during which a dismayed Pierre waited patiently on the front lawn) Amira scored a vintage Italian ski sweater, which was added to her collection of souvenirs pictured below. sweater I walked away with (what else?) paper goods! While I love the new envelopes and stamped manila pockets, my favorite purchase by far is a set of blueprints from 1992. I’m not sure what exactly drew me to them. Perhaps it’s because they were designs for a Gap store, a company that began here in San Francisco in 1969 as a single location with merchandise that consisted of Levi’s and records (how COOL!). Or perhaps it’s that the plans were for a store that I’ve walked by before (how COOL!). Or perhaps it was just the simple pattern, the color combination, or some other design elements at work. Whatever it was, I knew I had to have them. But once they were mine, I had no idea what to do with them. Fast forward a few weeks of them sitting on the shelf, add in a friend’s upcoming birthday, and I realized I could spare a sheet as simple gift wrap. Paired with some natural twine and voilà! An insta-present ready to ship. Blueprint 3 Blueprint 1 Have a story to share about your favorite found item? What about your go-to gift wrap? Share it in the comments section below. Each week, all of you amazing RPS followers that comment will be entered to win an exclusive RPS gift! Ready, set, comment!