· By Lisa Roberts
Twelve Days of Christmas
This year, Rock Paper Scissors is just filled to the brim with amazing, colorful, sparkly, hilarious, nostalgic, fireside-scented, marshmallow-topped, will-grandma-get-this-joke goodness. We've got so much stuff that we thought we'd have a little fun passing along some savings to you!
Every day, for twelve days (get it?! like the song?!), we'll be announcing a new daily deal!
As a bonus, there isn't just one daily deal, but TWO! We'll also be announcing a deal for Junior, our toy store.
Every deal will be available in-store and online. If you have any questions, don't hesitate give us a call. We do our best, but we're a super small team, and there might be something available in store that we just haven't had time to list. By golly we want you to find what you're looking for!
To be the first to know about each daily deal, subscribe to our email newsletter, or follow along on Instagram at @rockpapermi and @rockpaperjunior