· By Lisa Roberts
Cheers to 10 Years!
What were you doing in 2012?! I was opening a little store in Ann Arbor. You may know it.
✨ 2012 ✨
#1 Song: Somebody that I Used to Know
Gallon of Gas: $3.91
Sexiest Man Alive: Channing Tatum
#1 Movie: The Avengers
Trending: Gluten-free
Notable Events:
Lyft is Launched
Spacecraft Curiosity lands on Mars
Hurricane Sandy
Worst US drought in 50 years
Whitney Houston dies
50 Shades of Grey rocks moms everywhere
10 years later, Channing Tatum is still hot AF and the hustle is still real. If you've been with me that whole time, you've seen the iterations -- the Tecumseh store, Bed + Butter, and Midwest Supply Co. Just in the last few years, I opened a second location, got through a global pandemic, moved our entire inventory online (which makes me tired just thinking about it), and opened a new kids store in Saline! Plus, I've got more changes coming down the pipes!
I could not have gotten though all those ups and downs without the constant support of the Ann Arbor community. I'm so proud to be a Michigangster, because nobody hustles harder.
To celebrate our 10 year anniversary of opening in Ann Arbor, and to say THANK YOU for sticking with us, we've got a whole day of sales, giveaways and activities planned!
Hop over to our Events Page for the full deets.
All day, online and in-store, we've got 10% off all purchases. BING BANG BOOM no questions asked.
In addition to 10% off everywhere, we're having a Birthday Party in Ann Arbor!
Get your FREE TICKET to unlock an additional 10% off (that's 20% total) and a swag bag worth $50+.* Our swag bag includes a custom tote, brand new mug, koozie, treats + stickers!
The first 50 people with purchases $25+ (10 am - 2 pm) get a free premium bouquet!
The first 50 people with purchases $25+ (2 pm - 6 pm) get a free personalized** RPS notebook!***
* Must be present in our Ann Arbor store, Friday 6/24, 10 - 6 to claim swag bag. We will not hold bags beyond Friday 6/24.
** Claudia will be available to customize other notebooks for $5, but only upon availability. Priority will be given to RSVP customers and gift-with-purchase customers
*** Notebooks will also be available for purchase for $20